As Robyn and Manuela are entering a new era, after teaching Dr Jealous' courses for the last 20 years, they have decided to have a pause and explore new directions. please contact Marnee Jealous Long for the listing of other faculty members who still continue to present these phases. The Treatment of Children curriculum is designed to be
taken in parallel with the Biodynamics Phase courses: Treatment of Children with a Biodynamic View of Osteopathy as designed by Dr. James S. Jealous D.O. and faculty |
Shutterstock Images © Heather Prosch-Jensen This curriculum is an introduction to the treatment of children, learning how to communicate with a Child. Finding the sacred meeting place where they exist and perceive the world. There is no science that deals with the perception of children. Treatment of children is not about cranial bones, it is about Primary Respiration. The forces of healing in a child are not musculoskeletal. Children can’t be treated successfully in pieces; they need to be treated as a Whole. Paediatrics is about the study of childhood diseases; These courses are about the treatment of children and their relationship to Health Treatment of children Phase 1-3 have been taught, since 2007, in Australia (Qld, WA and Victoria) Treatment of Children 1: By the end of the course, the osteopath will:
Treatment of Children 2: The course will cover:
Treatment of Children 3: By the end of the course, the osteopathic physician will: